To DO or not to Do

#SimpleJoy #Passion #Dilemma #Interest

Do you believe that the more fussily busier you get about doing different things the better? Simply because you tend to create or discover something which maybe you haven’t realized yet but the moment your curiosity roused, it brought about some good, positive feeling, a little enjoyment which you never thought could possibly be a source of a seemingly  Passion”  of your Life.

START where you are, USE what you have, DO what you CAN  

It all started as something you’d like to do just for the heck of doing it or out of curiosity cause thought more people are doing it.  Until one of those days, finally, surprisingly, you just realized there’s much more to an advantage hidden in doing it continuously. That’s how i got started blogging. I am a newbie in the #blogging World!



At the onset, when my hubby told me that he’ll be back working abroad and me to stay at home for our only Son’s welfare of having one parent attending to him, it was absolutely an unfavorable response my husband got from me. Not because i don’t have the desire to take care of my son but taking into consideration the current status of unemployment in the Philippines that time, it seemed scary to take a risks of leaving a worthy kind of work i got.   I was purely thinking of the benefits i was getting from a job i had during those time.  I suppose,  undeniably, a mother who loves her child so much would  never  deny  or set aside the chance to be with her Son and take care of him and just be at home taking care of the household.

Compromises happened between me and my husband or perhaps it had to happen so we can  put everything in the proper perspective.   We usually PRAY,   asked for guidance whenever there’s a dilemma or problems encountered which gives us a hard time to be decisive.  It helps for our peace of mind and chance to moving on.

To shorten the story, every incident which occurred led us to right standpoint.  Done was done in accordance to Family’s firm belief and welfare.



It was EASIER said than Done,  a DILEMMA!

Sometimes we listen to other people for a second opinion either to gather information or make a better decision but not necessarily making it as our final option and decision.  We eventually settled with our final decision/s based on our own circumstances knowing what consequences there might be.  Besides,  having a partner or being married is certainly filled with consultative discussions, agreements and disagreements to enable couple reach common decision, common goal.  Otherwise it may result into  a dispute.

Changing PRIORITIES wasn’t GIVING up TREASURED whole Life

One thing for sure, a  Life built for decades through Prayers, Sacrifice, Love, Efficiency and Humility, through thick and thin coupled with all guts is truly a challenging decision to make or brake.  Is it my time to leave my job or my call to give priority of being  a stay-at-home mum?

I previously mentioned, i have had multiple work experience in a Corporate World, both in the Government and Private firms for three (3) decades,.  I was in the field of Marketing, Marketing Research, Promotion and Sales. Although some of my colleagues whom i worked with in the Government office never expected that SALES would be one of my forte, because they knew me as a silent abiding follower/observer employee only but it’s a new realm where i found my expertise and joy.

Given the opportunity in SALES with proper trainings, seminars and encouraging mentors, i evolved as an effective, efficient Professional Sales Representative of the Company – NGO/Pharmaceutical Company, more geared on Responsible Parenthood. It’s the last job i really loved and progressed exceedingly, modesty speaking.   Those were the happiest times in my corporate connections as an employee and eventually held a managerial position.   No regrets though, all efforts exerted performing in an upgraded level had brought me home my bacon and honey, so to speak.  It was on my third promotion i ended as a Regional Manager assigned in Greater Manila Area/NCR with Salesforce Team of 8 People under my Supervision.

My Salesforce Team  DKT International

#”GRATITUDE GOD Almighty & Holy Spirit, undying efforts were acknowledged”




Among the  CHOICES/Better DECISIONs  i’ve been precisely decisive, was choosing to be a Homebody.   I realized many things,that being a mother wasn’t simply taking care of the Kids, cleaning, cooking and or any household chores.  It’s  been a an endless Love, unselfishness, patience, mentor and nurturing role i have had all those years for our Son because we’re growing up a man of good character and virtues.   When my Husband left for work in Qatar our one and only Son was only a seven year old boy.  Now, he’s a young adult and graduated in college as a BSIT Student.    Truly the most fulfilling position and ROLE i ever Love,  enjoyed  and forever will be my interest and satisfaction,  my newly found position as a  hands-on Mom.  Being a Mother is more than 24775010_1830383406992238_7437190923865205296_n18671162_1633371940026720_5747538047508650919_n






It was the right DECISIONS we’ve ever done. 

Realising our priorities  had been the beginning of  a much better Life for us, a feeling of satisfaction committing ourselves and believing we’d be able to  meet our Goals as Husband and Wife even away from each other.  In the midst of longings ‘boredom’ for each other, we only needed to remind ourselves of our common ‘GOALS’

Tremendously,  there’s a lot of choices one can be done to make a DIFFERENCE in our daily Lives.  The only Limits we have are the limits we Believed.  Try Believing to yourself, your needs, even wants then ATTRACT your expectations and become who you are and what you desires.




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